FaxOne's partners share its strategic vision of providing the highest quality services and software to our clients.

CorePROFIT Solutions, Inc. assists large North American and global institutions, including several Fortune 50 and Fortune 500 companies, by delivering behavior-based, transaction-level enterprise profitability information.  CorePROFIT is dedicated to delivering to each of its customers enterprise-wide customer profitability solutions that allow them to identify blue-chip customers and treat them accordingly, while developing new strategies for borderline and unprofitable customers.

FaxOne and CorePROFIT collaborated on the development of e·PROFIT, an OpenPoint based application that seamlessly integrates with your organization’s existing business applications to extract, compress, calculate and report enterprise-wide profitability. The web-enabled application leverages a “bottom-up” approach to calculate profitability at the transaction level for each customer and account, enabling your organization to employ detailed information streams to determine the profitability and behavioral impacts of its customers on products, delivery channels and business lines.

Phone: (484) 888-7600
Fax: (484) 888-7601
Email: info@coreprofit.com
Web: www.coreprofit.com

To compete in today's economy, businesses from the local bakery to the largest multinational corporation need to embrace the internet. Far too many enterprises do so without the knowledge and expertise to effectively meet business objectives.

Karlen Productions, Inc. has established itself as the full service business partner small and large enterprises need to bring their business to the internet in a way that meets objectives and produces results.

Email: info@karlenproductions.com
Web: www.karlenproductions.com
























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